Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Visual Simulator

The start of week 2 has been a little slow for me because I'm only 1/2 pound less than what I was on Monday. But I'm going to push strong. I feel good about my diet and know that I need to add more exercise to get the results I want. Peggy says we need 90-120 minutes a day to lose weight and that was discouraging but I know it's true. I saw Heidi at the Wellness Center yesterday and we talked about ways to increase active movement -- which is what Peggy was actually referring too. So I'm taking 2 small breaks to just climb stairs. It's a quick work-out and rejuvenating too.

I found something that might be fun for you to try. Prevention's web-site, www. has a visual simulator. You design your body as it is now and the body you want at the end of this challenge. It gives you a picture of now and then. Kindof fun!

I know most of us take a visual outlook towards things so for me, it's encouraging to take a glance at a picture of what I use to look like. I hope this helps any of you with your goals too. If not, just have fun creating your simulation. You get to pick the hair, swimming suit, etc. It was fun.

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